Here is a still that I shot from another film last week. I really been enjoying capturing shots without the subject knowing and then taking the image out of context and making up my own story behind it. I was thinking the other day about how we subconsciously make up little stories every day about people even if we don't mean to. I find myself looking at people on my way to work and thinking how many cats do they have? are they happy? are they one of those people who can't use chopsticks?
I find it interesting that everyone can see a different story depending on how they grew up, where they live and what they're exposed to. I don't like to judge people but I think we all do without even noticing. We might make up our own stories about someone but I think it's all innocent and I guess it makes it all the more interesting when we are proved wrong. Look at Susan Boyle!
So anyway, I guess we should all keep our little tales but also an open mind and aim to be surprised ...